The new roof was our first step in making your Peace & Justice Center even better than before. We soon plan to replace our aged windows with energy efficient ones, patch up the ceiling then paint the place. We have increased our use of renewable energy from Sonoma Clean Energy from 50 percent to 100 percent.
This clean energy doesn’t include any nuclear power. Speaking of nuclear power and its close cousin, nuclear weapons, the Peace Crane Project has secured homes for ten, 5-year-old Gingko trees raised from seeds of a tree that survived the bombing of Hiroshima. It has taken many years and much perseverance to realize this symbolic act. These trees will be planted in Rikiski Park in Petaluma, at Sonoma State University near the Holocaust memorial and in Sebastopol. At our recent retreat we made plans that include contacting and reaching out to more progressive organizations in Sonoma County, helping your Peace & Justice Center grow stronger and more inclusive. We are actively present on the streets at protests, sponsoring important film showings, online with the Peace Press and the weekly e-blast and supporting struggles for peace and justice both here and abroad. If you want to be a part of all this, then please join us so we can better represent our greater community. .