Many people are stunned by the recent election. Some are crying or planning on leaving the country. Others of us are organizing resistance. One place to peruse this resistance is your Peace & Justice Center.
There are many ways members can use your Peace & Justice Center. It’s easy to be a member. Most people can join at a low $35 a year membership. There is also a low income/student rate of $15 a year and a family or business membership of $60 a year. Once a member, you can use the center as long as you adhere to the principles of peace and justice. You do need to contact us so we can get you on the calendar and provide support for your event. Here are some of the ways members have used the center in the last two months. In early, October Sonoma County for Palestine presented a former Israeli Defense Force soldier, who spoke about the crimes the IDF are committing and his refusal to participate in future acts of barbarism. Presenting speakers is one way you can use your Peace & Justice Center. October 26 an anti-racist organization in search of a name met at the center to have an internal organizing meeting. This is another way you can use your Peace & Justice Center. Two nights later the North Coast Coalition for Palestine, in conjunction with the Peace & Justice Center, presented the documentary The Last Sky. This film depicted Palestinians in resistance living in southern Lebanon. This is, yet, a way you can use your Peace & Justice Center. November 1 Homeless Action used the center to build props it would use the following day in a Dias de Los Muertos ceremony it held along the Joe Rodota Trail in memory of the unhoused people who died in the last year. This is a way you can use your Peace & Justice Center. The day following the election we offered a place to debrief with a get together called “The Big Exhale.” This was an opportunity for people to discuss and release their feelings about the election. This is a way you can use your Peace & Justice Center. And of course there’s Winterblast, a great street party in the South A Street Arts District that the Peace & Justice Center is lucky enough to participate in. We hosted the Hub Bub Club and welcomed folks to come in and visit the center to learn what we’re all about. This last month we welcomed the Raizes Collective to post their newsletter on the PJC e-blast. Hopefully we will develop this relationship further so that they have a greater presence at the Peace & Justice Center. Join the Peace & Justice Center and make it your own. Organize, hold events, show films, present speakers, build props, discuss issues of peace and justice with your friends. All this can be yours once you join the Peace & Justice Center. It’s easy. Go to pjcsoco.org and sign up there. Once a member all this and more are available for you. Afterall, it is your Peace & Justice Center.. .