Here’s one quick answer to that question. It will take people joining together to get the job done. As in so many struggles
for peace, justice, and a livable planet, a united front against deep-pocketed polluters and their enablers is what is needed. We all have a role to play. Here’s how you can keep yourself informed, join with others, engage, and take action. Here’s some good news. We live in California, the fifth-largest economy in the world. California also has a reputation as a climate champion and many other states and countries follow California’s lead. Models of success in California often spread beyond our borders. By focusing on policy right here in our own state we can have global impact. Now here’s some not-so-good news. California, with all of the strides we have made on climate, is still a major oil and gas state in terms of both production and consumption. We are the seventh largest oil producer and fourth largest fossil gas producer in the nation. But there is no plan in place to stop the import, refining, or export of crude oil. In fact, we currently export about 30 percent more finished fossil fuels than the state needs. So, although California ranks second only to Texas in terms of per capita in-state consumption of petroleum, we produce more than we need. Therefore, we can start the transition off fossil fuels today. Three urgent reasons among many why we need to rapidly phase out fossil fuels:
So what will it take? In a nutshell, it will take a comprehensive plan for a truly just transition for oil and gas industry workers, their families, and the communities in which they live. These communities are, quite often, dependent on the industry for their tax base. That would mean a transition into high-road employment in careers in the growing clean energy economy that is, as I write this, driving down demand for fossil fuels. It would take the planning and implementation of an equity-centered, labor-friendly oil and gas production decline protocol, where these industries are mandated to reduce production, year over year, commensurate with the decline of in-state demand as the clean energy economy emerges. Some ways you can unite with others and help end the fossil fuel era:
Woody Hastings is the Phase Out Polluting Fuels Program Manager for The Climate Center, a statewide climate and energy policy nonprofit working to rapidly reduce climate pollution at scale, starting in California. He can be reached at [email protected] Since 2001 The Climate Center has been a leader in making climate solutions a reality in California at speed and scale. www.theclimatecenter.org.