Together, We Can Create Peace and Justice Through Active Nonviolence
At the Peace & Justice Center, we’re committed to empowering our community to build a better world. Your support enables us to:
- Provide a Safe Meeting Space for grassroots groups working toward peace and equity.
- Host Educational Talks and Events that inspire informed action.
- Publish a Bi-Monthly Magazine, a Weekly E-Newsletter, and an Events Calendar to keep the community engaged and informed.
- Unite the Community through forums and events centered on nonviolence and justice.
Why Your Donation Matters
We rely on the generosity of individuals like you to sustain our work. Your gift allows us to keep programs running, expand our reach, and continue advocating for a more equitable future in Sonoma County and beyond.
Join us in our mission to inform, support, and energize Sonoma County.
Every dollar brings us closer to a world rooted in peace, justice, and nonviolence.
Every dollar brings us closer to a world rooted in peace, justice, and nonviolence.
Note: to become a member of the PJC, mark the check box, 'Enroll or renew me as a member...' with a donation of $35 or more to become an individual member, $15 for low-income or student members, or $60 for family or business members.
Other Ways to Give
Prefer to donate by mail? Send your contribution to:
Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County
467 Sebastopol Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
467 Sebastopol Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Would you like to become a volunteer? Please let us know by filling out our online volunteer form.
Thank You for Your Support
Your generosity fuels our vision for a better tomorrow. Together, we’re building a more just and peaceful community.
Your generosity fuels our vision for a better tomorrow. Together, we’re building a more just and peaceful community.